Dear all!
The moment I had been so very eagerly waiting for has finally come.
I brought a completely unique facial rejuvenation technique to Slovenia and I am infinitely happy and honored to be able to share something so great with you. This technique is called Face Sculptural Lifting and consists of a special massage or, a technique that activates every muscle on our face and lifts it. It activates lymph on the face, cleanses and regenerates the skin. This way, toxins easily leave the face and consequently the skin begins to regenerate and get a glow.
So I have joined a package of treatments that bring us rejuvenation on all levels. Physical and emotional. This facelift erases our emotional blockages and really gives us a COMPLETE and DEEP relaxation. Why and how? Neural pathway between the face and the brain is the shortest and whenever we work with the face, the brain instantly receives a message about what is happening. It sends the further instructions for cell regeneration to the body. We should know that on our face there are acupressure points and absolutely all the internal organs.
In addition to massage techniques, all Face Sculptural Lifting programs also include: Lymphatic Drainage, Facial Reflexology and Natural – Holistic Skin Cleansing!

1. BASIC Face Lifting (60 min) – € 55
2. BASIC Face Lifting + Reflexology (70min) – € 60
To make an appointment, feel free to contact me on +386 41 223 156 or you can send a DM on Facebook or Instagram @anjabeautywonderland
Anja Fošnarič